
How to Kill Processes on Linux and macOS

List processes to find a certain PID:

copy this code

Kill a process by its PID with kill:

copy this code

Kill all processes by a name with killall:

copy this code

Kill all processes by a name with pkill:

copy this code

Kill all processes or a certain process for the specified user:

copy this code

Kill all processes with a wildcard:

copy this code
By |2020-07-01T13:18:35+00:00July 1st, 2020|Linux Guide, macOS Guide|0 Comments

How to Show Hidden Files on macOS

Enter these commands to display hidden files in macOS:

copy this code

Enter these commands to hide hidden files again:

copy this code

Enter the following command to set a file or folder as hidden:

copy this code

Enter the following command to set a file or folder as not hidden:

copy this code
By |2020-07-01T13:05:44+00:00July 1st, 2020|macOS Guide|0 Comments

Multiline String Bash Examples

Example 1: Passing a multiline string to a script

copy this code

Example 2: Passing a multiline string to a file

copy this code

Example 3: Assigning a multiline string to a variable

copy this code

Example 4: Passing a multiline string to a pipe

copy this code
By |2020-07-01T12:56:34+00:00July 1st, 2020|Linux Guide|0 Comments

How to Install Docker on Linux

This is a quick guide on how to get started with Docker.

Installation Methods

Method 1: Automated install script

copy this code

Method 2: Manual installation via package manager

copy this code
copy this code

Post Installation Steps

To also install docker compose, run the commands below.

copy this code

To make sure docker is always running, enable the systemd service.

copy this code

You may also find it helpful to add the current user to the docker group so you don't have to call sudo every time.

copy this code

Finally, verify that docker and docker compose have successfully been installed by checking for their versions.

copy this code
By |2020-07-01T07:08:09+00:00July 1st, 2020|Linux Guide|0 Comments