Deploy Scripts

Deploy WordPress with OLS

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04

This script deploys WordPress and configures OpenLiteSpeed as the server.

It will prompt you for the domain, and will display the login information after it completes.


bash <(curl -sSL

Raw Script Contents

By |2021-01-05T08:44:48+00:00January 5th, 2021|Comments Off on Deploy WordPress with OLS

Deploy Nextcloud to Docker

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04

This script deploys Nextcloud via docker.
It will ask you for which port to use, the domain name, and MySQL passwords.


bash <(curl -sSL

Raw Script Contents

By |2021-01-05T08:27:52+00:00January 5th, 2021|Comments Off on Deploy Nextcloud to Docker

Deploy WordPress via Docker

Tested on Ubuntu 22.04

This script deploys a WordPress stack via Docker Compose. There are two versions of this script, one for Nginx and one for Apache.

It prompts for the following parameters:

  • the WordPress domain
  • the WordPress port
  • the PHPMyAdmin port

Nginx version: (Github raw, repo link)

bash <(curl -sSL
  • uses Nginx as the container's web server
  • exposes the HTTPS port to the Docker host
    • this involves a redirect from HTTP, so it does not provide true HTTPS
  • uses certificate and key files located in /etc/ssl/private that match the domain name provided

Apache version: (Github raw, repo link)

bash <(curl -sSL
  • uses Apache as the container's web server
  • exposes the HTTP port to the Docker host
By |2023-06-30T03:17:25+00:00January 5th, 2021|Comments Off on Deploy WordPress via Docker